Sunday, August 01, 2010

Desk stand display board

Every year I received desk calender like this free from our company's suppliers. It has a very strong cardboard bounded stand to support as the backing of the calender. But this calender become useless after the year is gone. Such a waste just to throw it away and I actually has been keeping quite a lot of them and thinking that it surely be useful one day to me.
Now, I have use one of my old desk calender to make it to a desk stand display board. It's easy to make. Great for displaying small little goodies on your shelve, desk or any where. If you have old calender like mine, make use of it to become display board instead of just throw it away. Be green and be creative.

Instructions for making the desk stand display board
Materials : Any size of the old desk calender, styrofoam (small piece that could cover the calender stand will do), fabric of your choice, scissors and cutter for cutting, glue and staple for assemble the board.

Step 1 : Tear off the old calender sheets. Leave the stand ring on the board to prevent it to fall apart.

Step 2 : Measure the size of the hard stand of the old calender and cut the styrofoam as 1/2cm smaller than the stand. And also cut the fabric 2 to 3cm larger than the styrofoam as it need to cover to the back of the styrofoam later.

Step 2 : Cover the fabric to the back of the styrofoam and start to staple the fabric to the styrofoam until all are covered tidly.

Step 4 : Glue the finished covered fabric board to the calender stand.

Finished! And you could start to display small items, favourite pictures, recipes that inspire you on the board.


Blogger opportunityknits said...

this is a brilliant idea! thanks for sharing :)

Sunday, August 01, 2010 6:35:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice to read the information about the Display Stands...

Friday, December 09, 2011 6:45:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think desk display stands are prefect for displaying your accessories. desk display stand is good for your home and display idea you shared is good.
display stands

Monday, October 14, 2013 5:00:00 PM  

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