Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My thrift find

Thrifted these pretty 1970's dresses from a Japanese thrift shop here. 

Available soon at my Etsy's shop of 

Saturday, February 09, 2019

After being silence for 5 years...

After all these years that I have been away from the internet world...I have been very busy in my working life. Now I had made a change to be a full time housewife and taking care of my family. Beside of that, I make a come back and reopen my Etsy's shop. Please do visit if you are looking for cute handmade little goodies, upcycled mini envelopes or my thrift find.

Little Teeth Shop

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My recent project

I guess it has been more than a year I have not been knitting or crocheting any project. But I couldn't resit to buy pretty yarn if I see them especially now they are available at a very reasonable price here. So I bought some nice pink tweed wool yarn for this crochet triangle shawl that I will be crocheted for my sister as a belated or upcoming birthday gift.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The power of overlay

The picture on the left was overlay from two pictures on the right. Just a simple step to overlay both of them together, you will get a nice picture.

Monday, December 31, 2012

My handmade

My handmade by cottonbud_design
My handmade, a photo by cottonbud_design on Flickr.
Today mark as the last day of 2012.
And I have made a cute project just before the end of year 2012.
It was the result of mini clothpins + glue + scrap felt + cute stickers.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sunday's cooking

It was a fine Sunday that I cooked spaghetti for our lunch.
Served with pan fried salmon steak and scallops.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Today's dinner

My first attempt of cooking this dish, tomato fried eggs.....Even though it was my first attempt, yet it is tasty. Yum yum...will try to cook more of this dish in future.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Love this salad

Went for some Japanese foods days ago and just love this smoked salmon salad and the sauce is really nice.

Saturday, April 07, 2012


Little bug by cottonbud_design
Little bug, a photo by cottonbud_design on Flickr.
今早在家楼下的小花园里拍摄到了一些微距昆虫的照片, 这是其中的一张。

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

4th International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta at Putrajaya

This is my 2nd time attending such an event. However, it was too crowded with people and we were unable to go nearer to the hot air balloon area and we can only watched those balloon from far.
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