I've done this top over the New Year break last weekend. Kind of please with how it turn out and I love the colour, my favorite colour. However, the flower that I attached on it seem awkward, doesn't match at all. I've tried to place it on different spot of the top, none of them seem nice with it. I think I would not attached the flower at all when wearing.
The scallop pattern of this top seem intricated to knit, in fact none at all, it's fast and easy to knit. I knitted it based on a pattern I found from one of the Chinese knitting book that I bought some time ago, a compact pattern book which contained more than 300 patterns in one book. I believed those are copied and translated from Japanese knitting book cause I saw the same pictures and patterns before.
Since this project was off from the needle, I'll start another new project soon. I'll use the recycled yarns from one of the knit wear that I unravelled last few months ago. No particular pattern in mind yet, I guess I'll knit another top, maybe a sleeveless top.